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ORPHAN BLACK Is Getting Its Own After Show

The Clone Club is now going to get to meet for extra long this season!

Season four of BBC America’s hit sci-fi drama Orphan Black is poised to be its biggest yet, not least of which because of its move from Saturday night to Thursday, meaning it’s bound to get better viewing figures, as it SHOULD because it’s just casually one of the best shows on TV. But now, not only will we be getting weekly Primetime adventures with Sarah, Alison, Cosima, Helena, and about a billion other clones played by Tatiana Maslany, but we’ll also be getting to dish about it afterwards!

BBC America has announced that beginning this season, Orphan Black will be followed by its very own aftershow, fittingly called After the Black, which will give a 30-minute in-depth conversation about the twisty, turny events we’ve just seen unfold. The Clone Club extravaganza is gonna be 90 minutes? That calls for a dance party, right?


After the Black will be hosted by Ajay Fry, Morgan Hoffman, and Teddy Wilson, veterans of InnerSpace, the news magazine program on Canada’s Space Channel, which airs Orphan Black. The show will be exactly what you want – lively discussion, interviews with cast and crew, plot twists, hints, theories, and even special visits to the set. But most importantly: fans will get their first extended look at the following week’s episode of Orphan Black.

The first episode will air Thursday April 14 at 11/10c following the premiere of Orphan Black season four. The special guests for After the Black‘s premiere will be Tatiana Maslany and good ol’ Art himself, Kevin Hanchard.

Are you as jazzed as we are about this? What do you think season 4 will have in store? Share the clone love in the comments below!

Image: BBC America

Kyle Anderson is the Weekend Editor and a film and TV critic for Follow him on Twitter!

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