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ORPHAN BLACK Cloned to Comics at IDW

The process of Orphan Black media domination begins.

IDW announced that they would be bringing the BBC America series to comics next year in a series of all-new stories. Right now it’s just a done deal between IDW and Temple Street Productions, the company behind Orphan Black. What that means (for now) is that IDW hasn’t attached a creative team to the book, but we should expect to hear more about it in the coming months.

IDW says that they went after the license after seeing fan response to the series at last year’s Comic-Con, so good on you, fans.

In the meantime, the publisher has released this first cover image from artist Nick Runge, who I would be completely cool with handling interiors should IDW just decide to tap him for the book.

In the press release, IDW was careful to note that the series wouldn’t simply reproduce the stories from the series, meaning we’ll likely see even more clones of Sarah Manning than we’ve seen up to this point.

But if you’d like a bit of background for the storytelling process of Orphan Black, series creators Graeme Manson and John Fawcett sat down with the Nerdist Writers Panel to chat about the series, where it’s coming from, and a little about where it’s going. While the new season of Orphan Black hasn’t been officially dated, we can probably expect it sometime next spring on BBC America.

The Orphan Black comic will be out in 2015.


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  1. Seriously thought Art had a lightsaber on first glance.