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On SNL, Tom Hanks’ “David Pumpkins” Is a New Holiday Classic

Those of you with long memories might recall Tom Hanks‘ first few hosting gigs on Saturday Night Live, for which he created the recurring character “Mr. Short-Term Memory,” a forgetful fellow who “shouldn’t have stood under that pear tree.” He hasn’t busted that guy out in a while, and every time he hosts nowadays, those who remember try not to get their hopes up.

This week, however, he created a brand new character we’d love to see more from. As David S. Pumpkins, he’s the woefully inappropriate star attraction of a Twilight Zone Tower of Terror-style ride, whose only scare qualities reside in his utter inappropriateness, and ability to show up where you don’t expect him. He’s a branded character without a brand, and undoubtedly reminiscent of many non-famous actors who’ve approached Hanks in his life and expected him to know who they are.

Better yet, he’s accompanied by two performers in skeleton suits who do a robot dance to some gloriously cheesy synth music, because perhaps, on some local cable access show decades ago, that might have seemed cool. Instead, it’s weirdly cheesy and slightly disturbing, but in a way that makes you feel sorry for the people caught in a tacky time warp, rather than a legitimately creepy Halloween experience.

We need more David Pumpkins. Maybe not a full movie, but at least a Halloween special next year. Perhaps if Hanks can be persuaded to stop taking piles of money from Ron Howard for Dan Brown sequels, he can find the time.

Did you find Hanks to be a smashing Pumpkins? Leave a comment below tonight, tonight and let us know!

Image: NBC

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