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Nintendo And Bandai Namco Team Up For POKKEN TOURNAMENT

It’s not the Pokémon MMO we had hoped for, nor is it the Pokémon Stadium follow up that we’ve been waiting on– but it’s probably the next best thing. What is “it,” you ask? “It” is Pokkén Tournament, a 3D fighting game featuring the lovable creatures of the Pokémon realm. The game, which is set to hit Japanese arcades in 2015, is a collaborative effort between the folks at Nintendo and Bandai Namco.

The announcement trailer below features a showdown between the frightening four-armed brute Machamp, and Lucario, who’s no stranger to the fighting game scene (he’s also a character in Super Smash Bros).

It’s a bummer that we’ll probably have to wait for this to come to America or Europe, because I’m highly intrigued to see how they’ll implement Pokémon super moves into a 1v1-style fighter. Considering that Katsuhiro Harada (Tekken producer) and Masaaki Hoshino (Soul Calibur producer) are the men with the Pokéballs in their hands this time around, I’m almost certain we’ll see a grade-A display of combo juggling from our favorite cutesy indentured animals. That said, if Hitmonchan plays anything like Tekken‘s Steve Fox, than I’m already calling dibs and people better prepare to line up at the arcade when I get a hold of him. Hey, someone’s “gotta catch” all those left jabs.

[HT: Famitsu Video: Gamespot

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