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Nine Clips From “Game of Thrones”

Here’s a nice tease for HBO’s premiere of Game of Thrones this Sunday. Some clips from the debut episode have hit the Internet through Winter is Coming. While they last, just click those play buttons if you can’t wait until Sunday for your Game of Thrones fix. It’s chock full of dragons, Lannisters, and politics.

And three clips from Episode 12, the second of the new season:

HT: Winter is Coming

STAR WARS REBELS Movie is Headed to ABC with Bonus Darth Vader

STAR WARS REBELS Movie is Headed to ABC with Bonus Darth Vader

ONCE UPON A TIME’s Season Finale Had an Alternate Ending

ONCE UPON A TIME’s Season Finale Had an Alternate Ending

Comic Book Day: Pull List for January 2nd, 2013

Comic Book Day: Pull List for January 2nd, 2013



  1. Reginald_Charming says:

    I REALLY want to watch these but there’s so many I might as well be watching the episode

  2. billlwoo says:

    how could anyone not like this show.

  3. To sum up this show: Sex in the middle ages.

    Be sure to check out HBO’s other show: Sex with Vampires.