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Next TITANFALL, BATTLEFIELD, and MASS EFFECT Titles to Launch Next Winter

EA has narrowed down the launch window for the next Titanfall, Battlefield, and Mass Effect.

Mass Effect Andromeda Image

In a conference call with investors, CFO Blake Jorgensen confirmed that the aforementioned games are all set to launch in the second half of the fiscal year, which means sometime between October 2016 and March 2017. Despite already knowing that these games were coming at some point, it’s exciting to now have an estimation on when we can expect the highly anticipated releases.

I expect the next Battlefield to launch by the end of this year (based solely on the franchise’s usual release schedule), but I have my doubts about Mass Effect: Andromeda hitting shelves by March 2017. It’s a massive project that we haven’t seen much of yet.

We already knew about Titanfall 2 (or whatever its moniker may be) as well, so that’s not much of a surprise. Though, there’s still no news about which platforms the first-person shooter will make an appearance on. I fully expect that EA will be smart enough to not ignore the massive PS4 install base. The publisher is still hoping this franchise turns out to be its Call of Duty killer, making it all the more likely that massive improvements to the game formula will be implemented; maybe it’ll even include a more comprehensive campaign this time around.

Do you guys think EA can push out all three on time? Will any of these be delayed? Which are you most excited about? Will Titanfall‘s next installment be multiplatform? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Gamespot 

Image: EA

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