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245 Brave Souls Set New Simultaneous-Rope-Jump World Record

It’s difficult enough to gather a dozen friends for a party (although maybe not for this Stranger Things-themed bash), so you have to take a moment to really appreciate the logistical feat that is getting 245 people to jump off a 100-foot-tall bridge while they’re all tied to each other. Plus you probably have to appreciate, you know, all that opportunity for some serious bodily harm. But for a Guinness Book of World Records title, people are apparently more than happy to simultaneously bathe themselves in adrenaline. And also river water.

The world record-breaking stunt took place in Hortolandia, a municipality about 70 miles from Sao Paulo city in Brazil. And in classic Brazilian fashion — or perhaps just classic fútbol fashion — a good portion of the jumpers carried with them super-loud air horns, which they blasted all the way through their parabolic arc. Also, there was a lot of screaming, as you can clearly hear in the video.

If you’re thinking, the physics of what I’m seeing seem odd for bungee jumping, that’s because these 245 people weren’t bungee jumping, they were rope jumping, which involves a nylon rope that progressively slows jumpers as they reach the vertex of their jump (rather than allowing them to bounce up and down). And while that sounds like it may be equally safe, there’s still something odd about having all that momentum without the bungee bounce to absorb it.

“It was a crazy… unique feeling, an unbelievable experience,” one of the jumpers told CBC News. Although maybe not as unique as it may seem, seeing as how 149 people jumped off the same bridge last year in the same way. The multiple attempts also probably signals that this record is going to drop faster than somebody attached to a nylon rope in free fall. Speaking of which, here’s some first-person POV from one of the 245 jumpers:

What do you think about this world record? Would you have participated in this giant human-candy necklace? Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Images: YouTube / Semlimitevoador rapel

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