History is changing on Starz’s epic time-traveling tale, Outlander, as is evident in the spoilerific and eye-catching new trailer for season two, unveiled at Friday’s 2016 Winter Press Tour stop of the Television Critics Association. In addition to a change in location, Diana Gabaldon‘s epic series—in the hands of showrunner Ronald D. Moore—there are even bigger changes afoot: ones we can’t really talk about just yet, but take our word for it.
Thankfully, we can show you this new featurette that hints at some of the major changes:
For fans of the Outlander books, there’s no doubt a lot of excitement to see such a major change of location. Gone are the gritty Scottish Highlands in favor for the lush, satin luxury that comes with heading to Paris. One of the benefits to trying to change history, natch. Any change comes with a potentially huge butterfly effect, even on a TV series—especially one as involved as this.
“We had a great conversation [about it],” Moore explained at the series’ panel on Friday. “[Diana] was always very generous with the material and spirit. It was a mutually beneficial relationship.”
And Gabaldon made sure that, though there are changes in the adaptation, things were in line with the ethos of her novels. Moore also added that the author was very involved: “She’ll see things and comment and ask questions; we use her as a sounding board. It’s a massive mythology she’s created so we make sure we respect that if/when we make changes. We want to make sure they won’t have repercussions that’ll bite us in the ass in season five.”
But what do you think about the show’s new direction in season two? Let us know in the comments below and keep it locked here for our interviews with both Gabaldon and Moore from TCAs!
Image Credit: Starz
Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor at The Nerdist and is live-tweeting/interviewing/updating from the TCAs. Follow her on Twitter (@alicialutes) to find out more!
And while we’re at it, check out our interviews with Ron, Diana, Sam, and Cat from Comic-Con this year!