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New KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE Trailer Delivers Even More Glorious Colin Firth

It’s never been much of a secret that Colin Firth would be returning for Kingsman: The Golden Circle, even though his character in was presumed dead at the end of the previous movie. Not only did he appear in images taken on set during filming of Kingsman 2, but he also had the best scene in the first trailer for the sequel. In this latest Red Band trailer (which premiered at San Diego Comic-Con), we finally get to see him in glorious, comically violent action, along with Taron Egerton, Channing Tatum, Pedro Pascal (who maybe got lasso lessons from Wonder Woman, it seems like), and the rest of the film’s cast.

The trailer also shows our first glimpse at the movie’s villain, played by Julianne Moore, and finally introduces us to the Statesman, the “American cousins” of Kingsman. I don’t know why, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the Statesman are going to be in cahoots with the bad guys somehow. After all, Eggsy was directly responsible for killing the President in Kingsman: The Secret Service, along with pretty much every famously wealthy or politically powerful person in the world who went along with Valentine’s (Samuel L. Jackson) evil scheme. Why wouldn’t the Statesmen want revenge?

In addition to the trailer, earlier this week Fox also released a series of Golden Circle character posters to commemorate the cast’s appearances at Comic-Con this weekend. And here it comes–the SDCC FOMO is setting in.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle hits theaters September 22. In the meantime, let’s play a game: if there are other spy agencies like Kingsman and Statesman in the world, what do you think their names should be? Maybe Mountain Man for Canada? Give us your thoughts in the comments!

Images: 20th Century Fox

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