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NEW Impossible Astronaut Clips!!!!

We’re getting down to the wire, Whovians! The BBC have released these new clips from the first episode of series 6, “The Impossible Astronaut.” Nothing too groundbreaking in the first clip, but fun, however the second clip is much more intriguing. SPOILER-phobes beware!

The new series premieres, say it with me, APRIL 23rd on BBC AMERICA!!!!!!!!!

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  1. Gabriel says:

    Those aren’t fish fingers and that isn’t custard.

  2. Steve says:

    Curious when you’re going to post the panel? Are you waiting until after the premier due to spoilers? Just needing a Who fix is all.

  3. The anticipation is killing me, can’t wait for the new season!

  4. Cheri says:

    ^Lucky! I couldn’t make it to the premiere monday…but I AM going to the premiere party in Brooklyn next tuesday!

    so close to new whooooo!!

  5. Will says:

    Without saying anything substantive, I will say that the episodes were amazing (and that I do not regret waiting in line 12 hours to see them)!

  6. Name says:

    Interest pique-o-meter over the moon!

  7. Robin Burks says:

    SQUEE! April 23rd can’t get here fast enough.

  8. Stupid User Name says: