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New GHOSTBUSTERS International Trailer Offers a Few Extended Gags

It’s only fitting that during the week Sony celebrates Ghostbusters Day (June 8, in honor of the theatrical release of the original film in 1984), they have also given us a new look at the upcoming female-led franchise reboot, with a new international trailer from Sony Japan.

While a lot of the footage in this short teaser (which we first saw at has been released previously, there are a few moments that appear to be new, including a followup to the scene where Kristen Wiig‘s character Erin Gilbert gets slimed by an elegantly dressed ghost. We see her outside the building where, in spite of being covered in goo, she screams very excitedly into a camera about how ghosts are real.

There’s also a brief shot of Leslie Jones‘ character Patty Tolan hoping against hope that a presumably possessed mannequin won’t begin speaking to her. Fortunately, it doesn’t… instead, it just chases her as she runs off screaming.

While the initial trailers (which didn’t make clear this takes place in a different universe than the original films) for this film were a bit of a mess, every clip to come out since has been a great improvement. If you were worried that this wasn’t going to be a Ghostbusters movie—meaning a broad but clever comedy with lots of action—the more recent trailers have assuaged that concern. Here, we have the great sequence with Chris Hemsworth‘s dimwitted secretary Kevin that proves the film isn’t more horror-oriented, like the original trailer seemed to indicate.

Everyone can feel how they feel about this movie existing, but many of us are looking forward to it because we love Ghostbusters, and we hope, and believe, that it will be a great addition to the legacy. Besides, how bad can it be when Kate McKinnon has been amazing in every trailer they’ve released so far?

What do you think of this new teaser? Tell us in the comments below.

Image: Sony

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