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New DOCTOR WHO Trailer Says It’s Time for Heroes

Friends, we’re about a month away from 12 straight weeks of Doctor Who…can you believe such craziness?! It started to feel like the show might never come back, and that the adventures of Peter Capaldi‘s Twelfth Doctor with Bill (Pearl Mackie) and Nardole (Matt Lucas) might have just been a dream I was having in between fevers. But no! A new series we shall have, and the BBC have graced us with a new minute-long trailer to go along with it. There’s a lot to unpack, but the major thrust is we’re gonna need some heroes.

As with the last trailer, they seem to be teeing up the fact that Bill is just a fun-loving character, one without the weight of the world (or galaxy) on her shoulders. This will be a nice change coming off of both Clara and Amy (and Rory), who were fun but had some heavy stuff to contend with. My hope is that Bill has depth but that she also lacks the baggage of the previous companions. Get to the ‘splorin!


We can also put together some of the episodes’ settings and monsters. We already knew the Daleks would be back (because they always are), and we were told recently that the Cybermen and Missy would be back for the two-part finale. (Read my complete history of Cybermen here!) We also see a glimpse of the new class of Ice Warrior that Mark Gatiss told us about, and we can assume that the shot earlier in the trailer of Bill and the Doctor in spacesuits, saying they’re on Mars, is from this episode, since the Ice Warriors come from Mars, don’t ya know.

In addition to those, we see what looks like it could be a Weeping Angel made of wood (which would be immeasurably scary) as well as several shots of mangle-faced, eyeless monks. Not sure what those are all about, but they look creepy. We also see a water monster, and robots that look not dissimilar from the Kindness Robots from Series 6’s “The Girl Who Waited,” one of my faves of that year. Toward the end of the trailer, Nardole gets tossed what appears to be the Third or Fourth Doctor’s sonic screwdriver, which would be, to quote the kids of today, “hella dope.”

Guess we’ll find out what all of these mean very soon, when Doctor Who premieres (finally!) on Saturday, April 15!

Are you jazzed for Series 10? What do you think will happen? Share those thoughts, plus any other Easter eggs you notice, in the comments below!

Images: BBC

Kyle Anderson is the associate editor and the resident Whovian for Nerdist. Follow him on Twitter!

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