It’ll be a cold day in hell before we lose our excitement for the upcoming American Gods TV series. Bryan Fuller’s take on Neil Gaiman’s epic fantasy thriller novel is sure to delight and surprise longtime fans and newcomers alike, but as with all adaptations with complicated and nuanced bits and bobs, there’s also a chance it’ll confuse the heck out of you. Thankfully, this new trailer sets its sights shedding some light on the central problem between these old gods and the new on these American shores — so you better buckle in, sweetheart. Today’s your lucky day.
But first, the trailer!
The visual magic of Fuller’s last TV outing, Hannibal, is alive and well and (somehow) flashier than ever, which really works when you’re talking about essentially immortal beings kept alive by faith and devotion. Where the pomp and exaltation of Fuller’s work may have felt a bit too celebratory for a cannibalistic supergenius murderfreak, here in American Gods it feels downright appropriate, even in the bloodier moments (and oh, are there many).
But this trailer is especially pertinent to people who have never read the books and are looking to understand what the series is really all about. Because, if it wasn’t clear by now, let us make it crystal: this is a complicated show, and the point of its story and what it is doing will NOT be readily explained in the series’ premiere episode (we know because we’ve seen it). This is a complicated, nuanced, outrageous, audacious story that unfolds in the most surreal of ways. It’s a beautiful doozy, but it’s intricate. So, when in doubt as the series begins, keep an eye on this trailer to stay focused. It is the light and the way, amen.
American Gods premieres on April 30th (a Sunday). Are you tuning in? Let us know in the comments below.
Featured Image: Starz
Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist, creator/co-host of Fangirling, and a frequent over-user of Twitter!