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Nevada Farmer Makes Bid For Presidency

Looking for a presidential candidate you can really get behind? Frustrated with the choices so far? Then you might be interested in Marvin E. Quasniki. Marvin is Nerdist’s officially endorsed choice for the Presidency, and this press release hot off the wire announcing his candidacy might explain why:

Needless to say, there will be more. Again, go to, where you’ll find official Quasniki videos throughout his campaign, and subscribe. You’ll also want to go and Like Marvin’s Facebook page — — and follow him on Twitter @MarvinEQuasniki. Go do all that.

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  1. Jeff DelDona says:

    I think he’s voiced by Chevy Chase. That’s my guess.

  2. Kirstie says:

    Office Marvin store at!
    T-shirts up today – more stuff coming!

  3. Bruce says:

    Where can I get a No More BULLSHIT ! ! Quasniki campaign bumper sticker?

  4. Spence says:

    I can’t wait to vote for this guy!

  5. Branden P says:

    Damnit, I know that voice, but I can figure out who that is…

  6. Robyn says:

    Giggle Springs Gas Station FTW.

  7. Kass says:

    Tonopah’s the one with the awesome Chevron station and freaky clown motel. Good stock.