Ben Blacker (Thrilling Adventure Hour), Adam Beechen (Hench), and Heath Corson (Justice League: War) sit down with journalist Sean Howe (Marvel Comics: The Untold Story) to discuss how the book came together, who participated and who didn’t, and Howe’s evolving relationship to comic books.
Yikes, not too late to edit out the R. Kelly adulation.
Sometimes I wonder if the host of this show tries really hard to be unlikeable. If not, and it comes naturally, I feel bad for the people who have to be around him often.
The show is great, but it’s because of the insightful guests. They always bring the goods, and it’s great to hear other writers discuss the process of writing and the business of being a writer. It’s not great to hear the host be condescending, and rude to the audience, both at the panel and to the listeners at home.