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Neil deGrasse Tyson Has Science for SAILOR MOON In This Short [NSFW]

Your personal astrophysicist — Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson — did not kill Pluto (that was Caltech professor Mike Brown), but he did make sure that the now dwarf planet wasn’t displayed as our ninth planet in the Hayden Planetarium, which he directs. Either way, the memo just got to Sailor Moon, and Sailor Pluto is pretty depressed about it.

In the animated short below (filled with NSFW language), we see the ramifications of the demotion of Sailor Pluto. It’s apparently Dr. Tyson’s fault, because science:

Though the treatment of Sailor Pluto is pretty rough (edging a bit into sexism), I’d watch a whole show with a manganized Dr. Tyson zipping around righting scientific wrongs, what about you?


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  1. liz says:

    The moon isn’t a planet either. Big whoop

  2. liz says:

    The moon isn’t a planet either. Big whoop.

  3. Dofganha Shbolahim says:

    Don’t really get how this was “edging a bit into sexism” considering her tormentors were all women. Also all Niel-Chan said was that she looked good in a skirt. Is that considered sexist now to pay a woman a compliment?

    • Hello Litebrite says:

      More meant towards saying she should focus on getting a husband. Sexism just isn’t based on males putting females down. You can be a woman… or a cat for that matter and still make a sexist comment.

  4. robbie says:

    “I’d watch a whole show with a manganized Dr. Tyson zipping around righting scientific wrongs”

    I’M TOTALLY ON IT !!!!!

  5. AnarchyJas says:

    Yeah, there’s a problem with this… There are Asteroid Senshi (Ceres Pallas, Juno, Vesta) and senshi from planets that don’t even exist (The Starlights are from Kinmoku in Stars). Try actually knowing the series well before coming at Pluto and dissing her. >_>;

    • Eliza Rain says:

      Even Sailor Moon is not from a planet, as it’s name says. xD

    • Hello Litebrite says:

      Angry anime nerd is angry.
      It’s a comedy sketch. They never make perfect sense if you follow the original media’s standards. Did you expect them to treat anime any different?

      <(‘.'<) ^(‘.’^) The more you know (^’.’)^ (>’.’)>

  6. Xero says:

    thing is twords the end of the series they meet sailors from other worlds with names like Sailor Metal mouse