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Music Geek Track of the Day: Julia Holter Gets Fairy-like on “Feel You”

It’s only been two years since Julia Holter’s last album, but boy, does it feel longer than that. Her music consumes you with fairy tale production and whimsical words. By the time it’s done, you’re already wanting more. So it’s with huge smiles on our faces that we can say the follow-up to 2013’s excellent Loud City Song will arrive on September 25th of this year.

Holter’s new album is titled Have You in My Wilderness, invoking a lot of twisted ivy, peeling bark, and subdued river sounds. Lead single “Feel You” falls right in line with all of that. After opening with some cheeky harpsichord, her lush vocals tumble in, hanging doilies on the prickly key notes. Recorded with Cole M. Greif-Neill, who previously worked with Holter on Loud City Song, “Feel You” jumps around like a child’s prace, keeping up the pace with her light vocals. By the time the chorus comes around, though, she opts for a slower dance, bringing the tempo down for some spoken word passages and hazy winds glowing in the background next to faint hand claps. By the time the four-minute number comes to an end, you’re left in a spacious clearing in the woods adorned with flowers.

The music video definitely adds to the charm. Watch above while Julia Holter plays outside with a dog, bringing him inside for some petting pauses and cuddle sessions. He’s got a couple gray hairs, but his youthfulness and wide-eyed stares make you fall in love even harder. Director Jose Wolff knew what he was doing when casting. Sigh. 


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