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Music Geek Track Of The Day: Dave Grohl Joins Rise Against for Cover of Scream’s ‘Came Without Warning’

At a recent tour stop in Australia, Rise Against tried to pull a fast one on the audience just as they were about to tear into a cover of “Came Without Warning” by the relatively unknown hardcore band Scream. See, they brought Scream’s original drummer out to play along with them and introduced him as such. However, once the guy walked on stage, it was clear the show had a true legend in its midst: Dave Grohl.

The guest appearance wasn’t completely unexpected because Rise Against was opening for Foo Fighters, but it still came as a pretty bitchin’ surprise.

Lucky for fans who weren’t able to attend the Adelaide concert, we’ve got video footage of the punked-up performance.

As legend has it, Grohl was tooling around Virginia, pounding the skins for Scream before he was plucked from relative obscurity and chosen to be Nirvana‘s new drummer. (Original drummer Chad Channing left the group in 1990 after recording most of the drum parts on the band’s Bleach album.)

Singer Tim McIlrath and the rest of Rise Against have always been gracious about paying homage to all the bands who inspired them to pick up guitars and f*ck shit up. For example, in case you blinked and missed it, the Chicago politi-punkers were cast as a Black Flag-type group in that movie Lords Of Dogtown.

Rise Against’s latest album, The Black Market, is out now. So is Sonic Highways, the newest release from Foo Fighters.

Although they won’t be doing it together, both bands will be touring the world for the remainder of 2015. For more information on routing, check out Rise Against’s site and Foo Fighters’ site.


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  1. Justin says:

    Not to get all nit picky but the original drummer was a guy named Kent Stax. Stax played on the first three albums before he quit and was replaced by Dave, Dave played on the last two records. That said Scream reformed the original line up with Stax on drums and play from time to time.