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Morgan Freeman Gives Graham Norton a SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION Narration

Morgan Freeman Gives Graham Norton a SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION Narration

Think about how weird it must be to be Morgan Freeman. Being a world–renowned actor who has been in every conceivable type of movie and is beloved by millions of people has got to be strange enough without constantly being asked to lend your voice to things. We wonder if every morning, Freeman looks into the mirror, takes a deep breath, and wonders how many times he’ll be asked to narrate something in someone’s life. Ever the good sport, he recently gave a Shawshank-like narration to Graham Norton.

Freeman visited The Graham Norton Show to promote his new film, Going in Style, alongside co-star Michael Caine and it wasn’t long before Norton asked Freeman about his iconic role as Red in The Shawshank Redemption. Freeman explained how the film didn’t do well in theaters and blames poor word of mouth and a title that wasn’t memorable at the time. He then treated the audience to a Shawshank-esque narration about Norton, Caine, and the constant requests to narrate things.

All in all it shows how good of a sport Freeman is about being so beloved for his particular skill, and we hope it’s something that doesn’t actually annoy him. It’s not like he’s a one-hit wonder having to play the same song every day, or deal with people yelling a catchphrase at him. People simply love his voice and that’s got to be a pretty cool aspect in life. Though it is fun to think that, somewhere in Freeman’s home, there’s a diary where–on those ever so rare days–he gets to write “Today was a good day. No one asked me to narrate a goddamned thing!”

As one can expect, Morgan Freeman narrating happens pretty often. What would you have him narrate? Share your ideas in the comments below!

Image: Columbia Pictures

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