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Monster Camp

I find LARPing inherently intriguing. Grown men and women dressing up as fictional characters and battling each other in real world settings is something I will never tire watching. That’s why I was drawn to the LARP (Live Action Role Playing) documentary Monster Camp. It was released a couple years ago, but I only discovered it last weekend so I thought I’d share.


The film chronicles a NERO chapter in Seattle over the course of one year. Both awkward and endearing, the film makes you realize as outwardly bizarre as LARPing may seem, it is really no different than any other creative escape. Everyone needs a place to belong and NERO Seattle provided that for many nerdists. It’s really insightful to watch the gatherings throughout the seasons as some players grow out of the experience, while others grasp to hold onto it. Monster Camp depicts LARPing as a healthy albeit offbeat pastime. The film is not groundbreaking or even really well made, but it is a great glimpse into a life that is less familiar to most.

What do you think of LARPing? Is it just a weird hobby for the socially stunted? Or just another fun thing to pass the time? I used to think it was the former, but I’ve realized life is too short to not do things that make you happy. Team LARP.

Click here to learn more about Monster Camp





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  1. Lucy says:

    I enjoyed Monster Camp because while it sounds like it’s just about the LARPing, it’s also about the organization that puts the LARPing weekend together. And like any organization of people, there’s drama. The resolution of this movie is surprisingly unsurprising because the people you’re introduced to behave exactly as you think they will.

  2. Pat T says:

    They used the wrong title, should be called NECKBEARD CAMP.

  3. Nathaniel H. says:

    I can recommend this film to anyone who wants to know what LARPing is about and to anyone who likes to escape into another lifestyle via film. It’s a fun one, and I came out of it thinking “hey, I should try that!”. I knew about it when it came out, thanks to the fact that my favorite band, Speechwriters LLC, did the soundtrack ( , though I recommend you check out their albums Indifferent Cities and the brand new Hollywood College first). Good stuff.

  4. Orphanleni says:

    I have friends that LARP but never got into it myself, however I loved Monster Camp and if you have Netflix you should also watch Darkon. Same idea, better costumes.