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Mondo’ New Disney Art Show Wants You to “Never Grow Up”

Mondo’ New Disney Art Show Wants You to “Never Grow Up”

Growing up is overrated. I eschew the trappings of being an adult whenever I can, and I’m not alone. Mondo is teaming up with Cyclops Print Works to present a Disney art exhibit with that very theme called Never Grow Up: A Disney Art Show. This isn’t the first time Mondo and Disney have worked together; they put on a “Nothing’s Impossible” show a few years ago. “Never Grow Up” looks to be just as lovely with work from more than 25 of Mondo’s most well-known artists.


Which artists, you ask? The likes of Craig Drake, Dave Perillo, Tom Whalen, Rosemary Valero-O’Connell, and Ken Taylor. The latter is responsible for this killer Big Hero 6 piece:


Taylor said, “Big Hero 6 is my eldest daughters favorite, and I love so much about this film. The story is super fun but it’s the city that gets me in–the opportunity to draw San Fransokyo has been a blast and one of the best film poster experiences I have had.”

View a couple more sneak peeks from the Never Grow Up show in the gallery below (whee, rhyming!). You’ll find a 101 Dalmatians piece by Jonathan Burton and a beautifully designed Aladdin illustration by Matt Taylor.

You can put adulthood aside and visit the exhibit at Mondo’s Austin, Texas digs from April 28-May 13. Get Mondo Gallery’s hours and information about the snazzy opening night reception and a party for kids at their website.

Tell me: how many Mondo pieces do you have in your collection? Will you be swinging into this show to admire the art and try to score some prints? Head to the comments and let me know.

Images: Mondo/Cyclop Prints


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