The Romulans have a new bit of technology called a “cloaking device” (just go with it). Kirk pretends to be crazy, then pretends to be a Romulan to get to it. Meanwhile, Spock pretends to be in love. But is he pretending? Find out when we put The Enterprise Incident in the Mission Log.
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Ugh, I’m so sorry Cassie. That really sucks. I untdsreand how hard it is to try to stay positive when it feels like nothing is going right, but just remember that you have a beautiful wonderful family and it WILL all work out in the end because you are going to be in a great new place to make your home.And if that doesn’t make it all better, there’s always wine and ice cream 😉
The music is generally provided by Warp 11, or Keith Thiery (sp?) in most of the podcasts.
Nope, I was wrong. I did not find it…
Never mind. Found it.
Could someone please tell me what the ending song was? I could not understand the robotic voiceover. Thank you, keep up the good work!
What’s Scotty so worried about? It’s not like they’d be able to figure out how to use the Enterprise console to control another ship. Oh, that’s right, they totally can. But, they can’t examine the Enterprise to find weaknesses to exploi–Oh, again, that’s a thing. But surely they wouldn’t be able to extract a bunch of sensitive data from the comput–Damnit! That too?
Seriously, guys?!?