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Episode 61: Mike and Tom Eat Snacks
Blair's Death Rain Chips

Mike and Tom Eat Snacks #61: Blair’s Death Rain Chips

Another fan-sent snack! Find out whether Mike and Tom like it!

Music from this episode : Modern Mod – “A Radio Song”

Remembering Richard Jeni

Remembering Richard Jeni

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.



  1. Stephen says:

    I really like the song played in the middle of this Podcast.  It claims that the song is “A Radio Song” by Modern Mod.  However, I can’t find the song anywhere on the internet (I tried Google).  Any suggestions?

  2. I’ve wanted to send our MATEs some Death Rain ever since I heard the ceaseless complaints about how not-hot other “hot” chips are. I’m a bit surprised, though, as my experiments with Blair’s have utterly destroyed me. I guess I’m just not up to MiB standards when it comes to the hot hot cihps.

  3. Ryan says:

    I typed this comment with my nose, because, like 7-12% of Mateys, my arms are chopped off.

  4. kevingiampa says:

    love the show.

    hey guys, i’m trying to get into the pre-school teaching racket. for now, i’m volunteering at some local day care centers and on weekends, I’m hanging out at various parks and playgrounds.

    it sounds like your “Knuckles” cartoon compilation is just the kind of reading suggestion that would impress the jerks in the school administration.

    Can i order a copy?

  5. Chris says:

    @Tony Pickett – Agreed! Wife and I have been waiting for an announcement. The baby-sitter is on speed dial.

  6. anthony pickett says:

    Another great episode. I so wish I could have a tour of mates world wide.

  7. Jon says:

    How could Tom claim he has nothing going on? The royalties alone from his prolific country music career should give him some feeling of accomplishment.