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Matt Smith on Doctor Who Christmas Special

Via the great guys over at Radio Free Skaro

The BBC have released this clip of a short interview with Matt Smith discussing the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas Special, entitled A Christmas Carol. You also get some clips from the episode which make me even more excited to see it. Yesterday, there was a press screening of it at the BFI and if this review is any indication, it’s going to be one hell of a Christmas!

Image: BBC

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  1. Ray says:

    Ya know what one of the best parts of that clip is? Besides the awesomeness of the Doctor and the beauty of Ms. Gillan is that the video player on the BBC site, showing the video… goes to 11. =-D

  2. Matt Rogers says:

    So very much looking forward to this episode. I just watched the whole fifth season straight but when it finished i was kind of sad because I knew I had to wait an age for another episode. This episode should keep my apiete at bay for season six!

  3. Deltus says:

    I look forward to the Christmas episode with the giddy excitement normally felt by young children awaiting a visit from Santa.