Ever since Futurama ended (again) in 2013, there’s been a Matt Groening-shaped hole in our grown-up animation comedy hearts. Yes, I’m aware The Simpsons is still on; The Simpsons will always be on. There’s no stopping the juggernaut of The Simpsons even if we might think they should hang it up. We want another new series from Matt Groening, one that will keep pushing the comedic envelope, and perhaps have some new and innovative ways of doing so (because, let’s face it, Rick and Morty has the high-concept sci-fi comedy angle pretty much covered).
Luckily for us, Groening is at work on creating and writing a new animated series for internet media conglomerate Netflix. We literally have no other news about it than that, but it will be new, it will be on Netflix, and Groening will write and create it. In the entertainment journalism world, we say “the details are under wraps,” but that’s just a fancy way of saying we haven’t the foggiest about anything.
Netflix, of course, is no stranger to original animated programs that tend toward the weird. Their current slate includes BoJack Horseman, F is for Family, and will soon be joined by the probably-less-weird Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham. Wait — a whole series based on a 20-page children’s book? Maybe that IS weird. Mr. Groening will fit in nicely, whatever it is he decides to unleash on the streaming media world.
If we had details, we imagine they’d be that the show is about six lacross-playing weasels who have to break into public television. That’s totally false, but if that ends up being the show, I’m going to look like a genius. Make up your own details in the comments below!
HT: Deadline
Image: Gage Skidmore
Kyle Anderson is the Weekend Editor and a film and TV critic for Nerdist.com. Follow him on Twitter!