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The live-action Masters of the Universe movie always did seem to owe more to Star Wars than to its source material, the Filmation He-Man cartoons. No “By the power of Grayskull!”, Battle Cat or Orko…but we did get a big-eared dwarf alien Jedi master inventor, a sail barge air chariot for Skeletor, a Speeder Bike hoverboard chase, and an evil emperor demigod tossed down a chasm in his new headquarters to his (presumed) death. Not to mention an army of Stormtroopers robots who all dressed kinda like Darth Vader.

The circle is now complete, thanks to YouTuber Mike Furth, who has re-edited a new trailer for the MOTU movie to the beats and music of the final The Force Awakens trailer. Indeed, it is as powerful as the Emperor must surely have foreseen, and makes me want to watch the film all over again. Granted, I do that anyway—Frank Langella’s Skeletor is an awesome villain who never gets old, and William Stout’s character redesigns have only grown on me over the years. But if Furth can convince YOU to watch it again if you wouldn’t have otherwise, he is doing the Sorceress’ work. And to coin a phrase, he has the power to do that. The sheer amount of Saurod in this trailer is proof of good taste and talent, as far as I’m concerned.

Now, we just have to get this in front of J.J. Abrams’ eyes and persuade him to actually make a decades-later sequel. Langella’s still kicking; maybe he can come back as mysterious maybe-villain “John Notskeletor.”

Am I just a sucker for this kind of thing, or does this trailer get you pumped to see some ’80s Dolph Lundgren all over again? Make the “Good Journey” to comments below and unleash the power of your reaction.

image: YouTube/Cannon Films/Mike Furth

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