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Mark Hamill Just Trolled Us All About Kylo Ren’s Fate

Oscar nomination day brings out both the Light and Dark side of the industry, so it’s only fitting that Mark Hamill used the momentous occasion of one of his young Star Wars co-stars landing an Academy Award nod to send fans of the galaxy far, far away into a frenzy. But don’t worry; Luke Skywalker did not just spoil the end of Kylo Ren‘s story in Episode IX. At least we’re almost positive he didn’t.

When the Academy Awards announced this year’s nominees, Adam Driver (Ben Solo himself!) nabbed a spot in the Best Supporting Actor category for his performance in BlacKkKlansman. In the movie he plays a cop who goes undercover in the Ku Klux Klan, using a fake persona created by a black fellow officer. That led to this noteworthy tweet from Hamill.

Oh Mark. So very funny, except for the fact not everyone knows you love having some good natured fun online/trolling fans who are eager for literally any spoilers about Episode IX.

But beyond his proclivity to toy with viewers expectations, this “hint” is so obvious it can’t possibly be a spoiler, because it would ruin one of the greatest questions we have for the final entry in the Skywalker family saga. Hamill is too smart and too good at using social media to think he would slip up like this, and there’s a less than zero percent chance he would intentionally ruin the film. So no, this isn’t a spoiler, it’s just a joke.

We’re almost positive. It is possible he finally turned to the Dark Side. Oscar nomination day does that to a lot of people.

Images: Lucasfilm

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