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Man, Things Have Not Gone Well For Roger Rabbit in This New Short

Ah, the 80s were a magical time weren’t they? They gave us E.T., Tron, Terminator, Die Hard and… Mac & Me *shiver*.  But, one thing the 80s arguably did better than most other eras was its cartoons. Roger Rabbit, Garfield, Skeletor, these characters defined a generation of youth to do amazing things. But where are these guys now? Whatever became of Jessica Rabbit and Lion-O? Well, one creative son of a gun attempted to answer that question with an all new short that has been quickly making its way around the interwebs. Check it out:

Aw, poor Rabbits… but perhaps it’s not much of a surprise considering 90s nostalgia is all the rage these days. 80s cartoons like these simply have no home anymore, at least until someone picks them up for a reboot, in which case they should get a nice residual check out of the deal (do cartoons even cash checks?).

This is a nifty little piece of work. Some of the best internet shorts are the ones that take something we all know and love and put a fresh spin on it. We’re willing to bet none of you were thinking about what became of any of these characters after their claim to fame came to an end, but are now just itching to re-watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

So, all we have left to say is well done, internet. Donuts all around!

Where do you think some of your favorite animated characters ended up? Let us know in the comments below.

[via AV Club]

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