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Listen to WESTWORLD’s Player Piano Covers of The Cure, Radiohead, Soundgarden

No doubt you can hum Ramin Djawadi’s iconic Game Of Thrones theme song in your sleep, but did you know that he is also the ghost in the machine for the music of Westworld? In addition to writing the sci-fi thriller’s harrowing opening score, setting the stage for the asymptotic nearing of AI singularity, Djawadi also covered all of the songs you hear interpreted into the old-timey clang of the player piano.

So far the songs that Djawadi has reconfigured for the Western aesthetic of Westworld include Soundgarden’s “Black Hole Sun,” Radiohead’s “No Surprises,” The Rolling Stones’ “Paint It Black,” and The Cure’s “A Forest.” Hearing these compositions without their signature vocalists is really jarring and it always takes a moment while watching the show to place exactly what it is you are hearing. But I guess that is perfect for a show that is all about probing uncanniness and the authenticity of what appears to be laid out before you.

You can check out a playlist of all Ramin Djawadi’s covers as well as the title theme below, but if you are looking to order yourself this collection of songs as an EP, you can head to WaterTower Music‘s official website.

Do you guys have any guesses as to what else we will hear Ramin Djawadi cover this season? I would love to hear him cover “Mr. Roboto” on piano, although that might be a little too on the nose.

Image: HBO

Matt Grosinger is the music editor of Nerdist and is beginning to have trouble telling if his friends are robots or not. Follow him on Twitter.

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