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Kit Harington Pranked Rose Leslie with His Fake Severed Head

Jon Snow knows nothing, but Kit Harington recently learned a very valuable lesson: don’t prank your girlfriend on April Fool’s Day by placing your severed head inside the refrigerator. Even if her reaction was totally hilarious. That’s because his now fiancée Rose Leslie let him know that if he ever does anything like that again, that will be it for the two of them.

In this interview we came across at Buzzfeed, the Game of Thrones star was a guest on The Jonathan Ross Show, and he talked about the fallout of his horrible/amazing prank on Leslie, who played Ygritte on the show. (Yes, Jon Snow and Ygritte are a real couple.) Harington says he comes from a family who pulls pranks on each other, but Leslie does not, which is why she did not find anything about his early morning surprise remotely funny.

Okay first, that was incredible. I really need access to HBO’s special effects department. There are a myriad of uses for a real-life replica of your own severed head. Two, her ability to be completely terrified, but still manage to safely place the Brita on the counter before collapsing, is most impressive. Those things aren’t cheap.

But considering how poorly she reacted, we think Kit Harington should heed her warnings about ever doing something like that again. We couldn’t handle when Jon and Ygritte split up, so we definitely don’t want Harington and Leslie to go their separate ways.

No prank is worth that. Although this one kinda/sorta/almost is.

What do you think? Did Harington go too far, or is this amazing? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Featured Image: The Jonathan Ross Show


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