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Khloe Needs Brains

Faithful reader Jonah Ray of Los Angeles, CA draws our attention to this little video from which you might derive amusement. What happens when you cross The Walking Dead with The Soup? Enjoy, please, Soup of the Walking Dead:


Yes, that’s Norman Reedus and Steven Yeun — Daryl and Glenn — from The Walking Dead, of course, and they encounter some of The Soup‘s regular characters, plus, for no apparent reason, Rich Sommer in full Harry Crane regalia. Because why not. And with the entire E! building infected, the horror extends to its logical end. Dan Riesser directed the clip, which promotes a) The Soup, Friday at 10/9c on E! Entertainment Television, on which faithful reader Jonah Ray is known to work and on which you will be able to see the entire sketch, b) The Walking Dead, with its season premiere on Sunday night 9/8c on AMC, and, by extension (because we’re mentioning it), c) Talking Dead, starring Chris Hardwick, following the 11/10c encore airing of Walking Dead on AMC. Feel free to watch all of it.

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