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Jurassic Carpark is the Best Prank We’ve Seen All Week

Parking garages are scary places. Name any modern day TV show or film and it likely features a crime being committed in one. You walk into a parking garage, you know you might have to deal with shady characters. However, this particular shady character is one you might not expect. Comedy team Hamish & Andy posted a video on YouTube where they have a super realistic dinosaur sneak up on co-workers in a parking garage. Jurassic Carpark, get it?

They lure their unsuspecting friends into the garage and the hiding guy in a dino-suit runs up to them, snapping and biting. See, you think you’re sure that they’re extinct until they run up past your Honda Civic. Extinct or not, you’re going to scream your little head off. It’s actually hysterical, watching a screaming and laughing friend run away from what she clearly knows is a guy in a suit. One guy actually says that this is his worst fear. Wait, worst fear? A dinosaur chasing you through a row of cars? That’s pretty specific, buddy. You probably want to go see someone about that.

Later in the video, the guys lament the fact that they haven’t made anyone “pee or poo their pants.” Will they succeed in their noble quest? You’ll just have to watch to find out. For the record, the dinosaur’s name is Gwen.

So, what do you think? Is this the best prank you’ve seen all week? Would you pee or poo your pants? Tweet me/us @JennaBusch/@Nerdist and let us know! You can follow the guys on Instagram here.

HT: Laughing Squid, HamishandAndy
Image credit: HamishandAndy

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