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Jon Snow Gets Some Theme Music From Tenacious D’s Kyle Gass

Jon Snow Gets Some Theme Music From Tenacious D’s Kyle Gass

How many times do politicians have to go through the same public embarrassment with music on the campaign trail before they learn their lesson? Don’t use a song unless the artist endorses you. In fact, why do they even use existing songs and run the risk of something stupid happening (like using—and this is true—Bruce Springsteen’s anti-Vietnam War song “Born in the U.S.A.”)?

Why not get their own, original, personal song? That way they cancontrol the message and the tone, not to mention it’s a great marketing tool, almost like a wrestler’s entrance music.

For example, let’s say you are in a heated election to rule Westeros, why not get someone to write a song in tribute just to you? Kind of like this one written by Kyle Gass of Tenacious D fame, titled “Ode to Snow (A Campaign Trail Song),” entirely dedicated and written for the new King in the North, Jon Snow.

We first heard this flute and guitar instrumental the A.V. Club, and it comes from (the apparently brand new) side/spin-off band/project from Gass called Valyrian Steel, named after the famed magical metal of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. It certainly sounds appropriate for the show and character, though unquestionably a little more whimsical than the normal music written by composer Ramin Djawadi for Game of Thrones. This might not work as a musical number during an intense scene, but we bet it would play well with the locals at the various inns and taverns Snow would have to visit along the Kingsroad while on the campaign trail. At the very least it would be a welcome break for everyone in the realm from “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” and the “Rains of Castemere,” the only two songs anyone apparently knows in the Seven Kingdoms.

If you don’t know why Jon Snow would need a campaign song in the first place since the Lords of the North already declared the White Wolf their unquestioned leader, it has nothing to do with that, or even people writing in his name this November (which will happen). Rather, it is in regards to the fantasy election HBO ran this summer for fans, the one that saw Snow and his running mate Lyanna Mormont barely edge out both Daenerys Targaryen (running with Tyrion Lannister) and Lord Baelish (running with Sansa Stark), with Queen Cersei (and Qyburn) a distant, distant 4th.

Valyrian Steel is made up of Gass along with fellow Tenacious D musicians John Spiker and John Konesky. Which obviously has us wondering: is Jack Black not a loyal bannerman of House Stark? Yes, one might say, “Uh, we are pretty sure he is currently filming a movie,” but with House Stark being betrayed and abandoned so often over six seasons, we say that’s not good enough. The North Remembers! Why can’t Jack Black. Especially since it’s important for everyone to turn out to the voting booths to make sure their voice is heard. Otherwise we’ll end up with a crazy psychopath sitting in the big chair running things

You know, someone like Cersei. Why? Who did you think we were talking about?

What do you think of the song? Would it work for any other candidate, real or imaginary, running for office? Tell us what you think about it in our comments section below.

Featured Image: HBO

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