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JOHN WICK 3 Will Arrive in One Year

Update, 5/17/18:

The release date for John Wick: Chapter 3 has been announced. He’ll be seeing you on May 17, 2019.


Without spoiling John Wick Chapter 2 too hard for those who haven’t seen it, it sets up a sequel that could potentially be the biggest and baddest one yet. Of course, we all have ideas how it should go. Maybe he gets unwittingly dosed on drugs and has to pilot a plane down twice, and we can call it High Lander, Too: The Wickening. Or he could confront the Human Centipede, in an ultimate crossover flick we’ll call…Wick-apedia.

But I should stop now, and turn to the ideas of a man who actually might have some influence on the project: Keanu Reeves, who recently told the Empire podcast what he’d like to see in a third John Wick film. The good folks at Slashfilm transcribed some of his quotespodcast episode, which went a little something like this:

“I think the opening of the film should be Wick just trying to escape from New York. Literally trying to get off the island. Maybe he asks [Laurence Fisburne’s character] the Bowery King for help. Maybe John Leguizamo comes and helps me out. ‘John, I can’t do it, you’re excommunicado!’ Maybe the High Table shows up. And then the High Table starts firing guns. And then maybe this kind of thing starts to happen between the High Table and Continental?”

Escape from New York, eh? Only this time with two eyes, nobody who needs rescuing, and hundreds of people who need armbar takedowns followed by gunshots to the head? I can dig that. But I think he needs an army of dogs to back him up this time, too. Call it The DogWicker. Or don’t. Yeah, probably don’t. Reeves is better at this stuff than I am.

What do you all want to see in a third John Wick? Can you make even worse potential title puns than I can (coughTheWickAndTheDeadcough)? Leave us yours in the comments.

Image: Lionsgate

Here’s the cast discussing Chapter 2

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