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John Barrowman Introduces DOCTOR WHO’s Captain Jack Harkness Funko Pop Vinyl

The delightful John Barrowman has taken to the internet to show off the release of his Funko Pop Vinyls doppelgänger. Check out the newly minted Captain Jack Harkness doll in the collage below:

Given how very much I adore both John Barrowman (Have you ever listened to the SDCC Live Nerdist Podcast from 2012? I was there IRL, and he was such a hilarious delight. I highly recommend.) and his fictional alter-ego Captain Jack Harkness, I might just wander over to Funko and order myself a Jack Harkness for my desk because it would bring me that much joy. The thing is, aside from this adorable collection of pictures, which the company shared through their own account as well, there’s little to no information out there as to the exact release date of the new toy that I’m coveting. I couldn’t find it on any sites or anywhere for pre-order, but I’m patient, and I’m sure that eventually my patience will be rewarded.

Captain Jack Harkness joins the Daleks and his beloved Tenth Doctor in the collection, and fans can also look forward to River Song and Rose Tyler joining the gang eventually. It’s so fun to see John Barrowman remain so attached to the adored Doctor Who even as he moves on to other projects. You should probably check him out on Arrow where he’s recently guested alongside River Song herself, Alex Kingston. If the idea of River and Jack together on the small screen doesn’t get you excited, I’m worried you might be a little bit dead inside.

Will you be jumping on the pre-order bandwagon along with me? Tell me in the comments below!

Image: BBC

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