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Jenga Played With a Whip Is a Lot Harder, but Way More Impressive

If you’ve ever found yourself in the late stages of an intense game of Jenga, you know the pressure of trying to steady your hands while carefully removing a block that could bring the whole thing crashing down. Now just imagine how nervous you’d be if you didn’t just risk losing the game with a false move, but you risked losing an eye because you’re playing with a whip.

This video was uploaded by YouTube user April Jennifer Choi, who says it was her “first attempt at Whip Jenga!” Ah, who doesn’t remember their first time playing “Whip Jenga” with fondness? I don’t know if she is the first person ever to play the game this way, and therefore I have nothing to compare her performance to, but it feels like taking out 10 blocks is really damn impressive. Though in fairness, if I attempted this and didn’t end up in the hospital bleeding from the head I’d consider it a massive triumph, so maybe my standards are skewed.

It can be hard to appreciate just how incredible this really is, because you can’t actually see the whip, so she also uploaded another video showing her doing it in slow motion.

Based on her giant wall of whips it appears she might be particularly suited to tackling such a unique take on the classic game. In fact, if you check out her YouTube page she actually has some whip tutorial videos to help you step up your “Whip Jenga” skills. Because you never know when Indiana Jones will show up to game night.

As awesome as this might be, we strongly suggest you leave the whipping to the whip experts before you hurt yourself or someone else. Also, how many non-whip experts even own a whip anyway?

What other task would you like to see her try pulling off with a lash? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: April Jennifer Choi

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