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JAMES BOND Orders a Few Bizarre Drinks With Jimmy Kimmel

Spectre is one of the top movies in the country this week, and one has to ask whether the success of this 24th film in the James Bond franchise has anything to do with the cocktail ordering ways of the titular character. Daniel Craig, the current incarnation of 007, stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live to try out a few of the other drinks that the franchise has supposedly debated using over the years. Check it out above.

Something tells me that Ian Fleming never thought up the Alligator Hand Job but you can bet your next paycheck that I’m going to see if I can order it with a straight face the next time I’m in a bar with P. Diddy’s coconut vodka. In all honesty, it sounds completely disgusting, but if Daniel Craig can’t order it without laughing, I feel like the attempt will be worth the comedy.

Daniel Craig has been making waves with the press tour he’s been on for Spectre and this appearance just adds another (less controversial) chapter to the ongoing coverage. Rumors have swirled around his continuation with the series; he’s shot down sexist comments in regards to the age of the women his character has romanced in the past and will romance in the future; and now this bit of comedy suggests rumors remain unfounded.

But enough about Bond. Tell me what you think of the cocktails that Kimmel and his writers room came up with for this bit. Would James Bond deign to let any pass his stoic lips? Is his signature martini in danger? Tell me what you think in the comments below or shoot a tweet to @Nerdist.

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