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IZOMBIE’s Best Brain Recipes for the Zombie in Need

IZOMBIE’s Best Brain Recipes for the Zombie in Need

After a long hiatus, iZombie is finally back and just like a zombie I’ve been starving for brain content. The tales of crime-solving zombie-about-town Liv Moore have been gone too long and fans have been as anxious as a just bitten human to find out what’s next for the team.

iZombie is known for its detailed depictions of not only how zombies consume, but also how they cook. Just so you know, I don’t watch television like a normal person, I take notes. Meticulous notes detailing the all the food that is being shown on screen and why. I’m a joy to watch television with, honest. And of all the shows that incorporate food into their storylines, iZombie does an impressive job of exploring character’s eating habits.


You’d be surprised to know that all the iZombie food scenes that show prep, cooking, and serving from start to finish are only between 8-10 seconds long. But within those few seconds the viewers are still able to get a clear idea of what Liv is making and how it’s going to taste.

While there have been many brilliant brain recipes from the past two seasons, these are my top 5 as far as creativity and craveability.

5. Stir Fried Brains


Season 2, Episode 17: Reflections of the Way Liv Used to Be
Just one bite of savory stir fry and Liv was off and running with the super-intelligence of an ambitious college student whose brain served as the protein.

Stir fry is an excellent way to get a lot of flavor into a dish. With the added spices and healthy handful of Thai red chilies, you know this dish is just what the zombie ordered, heat-wise. This is a great way to add a bunch of flavor to otherwise bland brains.

4. Chocolate Covered Brain Nougat Protein Bar

izombie-nougat bar-02182017

Season 2, Episode 18: Dead Beat
Close to the season finale, Major is in jail and he’s in desperate need of his essential amino acids (brains). Always one step ahead of the game, Liv made up a batch of handcrafted choco-nilla bars to smuggle in and appease Major’s urges. Sadly, his lawyer’s dog ate the homemade bar and poor Major was out of luck.

Major points here for Liv’s creativity and craftsmanship. Not only did she make the chocolate bar from scratch but she also created authentic-looking DIY labels. A girl after my own heart, this food craft project was a definite favorite of mine.

3. Salad


Season 1 Episode 8: Dead Air
Like most office lunch rooms (not at all), Ravi created life by making a zombie rat while Liv chowed down on a lunch of a green salad sprinkled with brains.

This meal was especially meaningful to me because it inspired me to create Nerdist’s very own version of iZombie Spicy Noodle Salad. I placed the Sriracha-spiced greens on a bed of noodles to cool it down and created brains out of a strawberry gelatin mixture. Adding little spice to your salad makes a healthy choice more interesting.

2. Hush Puppy Brains


Season 2, Episode 4: Even Cowgirls Get the Black and Blues
Everything fried is good, period. Therefore hush puppy brains is pretty much the only way I would be able to survive the zombie apocalypse. As Ravi said when she was done cooking, “God help me, that smells sensational.”

I’ll admit I watched this one over and over because they’re an odd satisfaction in watching something get battered and fried right before your eyes. The lab beaker full of Sriracha was a nice touch.

1. Gnocchi stuffed with medulla oblongata with a fra diavolo sauce


Season 1, Episode 4: Liv and Let Clive
It’s pretty much a given that something from the underground zombie butcher shop Meat Cute would hit number one on this list. After all, they spent a lot of time perfecting their recipes, what with their high-end clientele paying top dollar and all. No brains on toast for this bunch.

Fra diavolo is a spicy tomato-based sauce that uses chili pepper for the heat. To cool it down, it was pureed with neural tissue to give the sauce an extra silky texture — an inventive way to smooth out an otherwise fiery dish. I love that brains were creatively woven into this refined meal. Even zombie recipe creators are always thinking.

What is your favorite iZombie food scene? Tag @nerdist and @justjenn on twitter and let us know in the comments!

Images: CW

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