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Interview: Alan Tudyk on Joining Adult Swim’s NEWSREADERS

Alan Tudyk, a fan favorite from, oh, everything, is joining the cast of Newsreaders on Adult Swim. Executive produced by 60 Minutes and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart‘s Jim Margolis, Newsreaders isn’t afraid to take the audience deep into the stories that no one else will — because they’re not important stories. Following in the footsteps of now-“missing” host Louis Lafonda, we talk to Tudyk about becoming a news man and the type of hard-hitting stories the audience will find in the latest season of the Children’s Hospital spin-off.

“Lois Lafonda is suspiciously missing and I’m here. Regan Biscane is born.” Tudyk elaborates on the evolution of his character, starting with his gloriously silly name. “They asked me if I had any ideas for names. There was a small moment where I was Hoyer Lancett and it just didn’t sit right and then Regan Biscane is who it is. I was pushing for Dick Fallujah but no one, not one person thought that was a good idea. Except me.” From what I observed on set, Biscane seems to think he’s very smart but in actuality, well… I’ll let Tudyk explain. “He’s an idiot. He’s a moron. It’s fun though. He’s definitely stupider than Louis Lafonda. I was looking at these computers in one of the episodes… Really thick. Yeah, he’s dumb.”

Newsreaders body

Were there any people in particular that Tudyk based his news reader on? “I think just 20/20, just random people. Morley Safer? What a name. Just sort of bits and pieces here or there. I’ve watched a couple of guys, I don’t even know their names but they all seem to be looking very cool and they have that weird way of talking. The way they pose questions, the way they go up and then they stay up for a little while and then they come down, there’s all that weird – it’s its own culture. It’s cultural more than a language. It’s like, ‘Oh you’re from Texas because you talk like that,’ it’s like, ‘Oh, you’re a news person because you talk in that very strange way.'”

Does Tudyk feel like this show is satire? Like it has something to say? “No, it is just for fun. It’s just fun, silly, ridiculousness. It’s not shining a light on society and the failure of our news and journalists and all of that like The Daily Show does so well and the Colbert show does so well. This is just this is more made up people, made up stories and just really funny takes on them.” For instance? “There was a kid who in one of the episodes he was a football player, but he was injured and he wasn’t going to be able to play football anymore, but he is an inspirational story and he wants to come back and overcome his injury. He was decapitated and he’s still going to play football. I mean, that’s awesome. That’s awesome and crazy.”

Newsreaders with Regan Biscane returns to Adult Swim on Thursday, October 23 at Midnight.

Images: ABC, Warner Bros. Television

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