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Inked Wednesday #66 – THE HOBBIT, Darth Vader, and More

Before we dive into the nerdy fun that is Inked Wednesday, let’s take a moment to salute the Brazilian tattoo artist Flavia Carvalho. She started the “A Pele da Flor” project two years ago. The goal of the project is to transform scars women have received from domestic abuse or mastectomies into empowering and transformative tattoos. Women only need to choose the design, and Carvalho inks it for no cost.

Huffington Post interviewed Carvalho about her work, and Carvalho said, “The feedback I have gotten from women who were helped by this project has been extremely surprising. The sense of affection, sisterhood and camaraderie is deeper than I ever imagined. They contact me from all over the country, as well as from abroad. They come to the studio, share their stories of pain and resilience, and they show me their scars. Embarrassed, they cry, and hug me. Then we design the tattoo and we schedule the session. They become excited, optimistic.” Read the complete interview and see examples of Carvalho’s tremendous, life-changing work at HuffPo.

And for what may be the most awkward segue ever, let’s look at some geeky tattoos starting with this Thorin Oakenshield quote:

Thorin Oakenshield quote (The Hobbit) | Source: @JeyKitten

Visit the gallery below to see ink featuring Elsa from Frozen, Zero from The Nightmare Before Christmas, a Samurai Darth Vader, and more.

Have geeky tattoos of your own, or are you a tattoo artist who puts them on others? I want to see pictures of them and include them in a future installment of Inked Wednesday. My submissions queue can never be too long. You can leave links to photos in the comments, tag me or mention me on Instagram, or send pics to me on Twitter. The higher-res the pic, the better, and please be sure to let me know who did the work.


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