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Inked Wednesday #53 – THE X-FILES, THE FLASH, & More

There are an infinite number of tattoo styles out there. Well, maybe infinite is an exaggeration, but there are certainly a lot. Since I have a captive audience every Wednesday, I like to occasionally highlight new tattoo trends or artists who are doing especially beautiful work.

I don’t know if tattoos featuring Deadpool breaking the fourth wall necessarily fall into the “trend” category, but at least a few of them exist. Geekster Ink rounded up some examples, including this amusing piece by Georgiie Gibbs:

And now, onto this week’s Inked Wednesday gallery! We’re kicking things off with an absolutely gorgeous piece featuring The Flash. Once you’ve admired that thoroughly, visit the rest of the gallery to see ink from Alien, Ghostbusters, The X-Files, and more.

The Flash | Source: Jefferson Harris

I am always and forever on the search for more geeky tattoos to add to the queue for Inked Wednesday. If you have ink that fits the bill, leave links to photos in the comments or give me a shout on Twitter.


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