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Hunt Or Be Hunted: The New Season Of HOUSE OF CARDS Gets A Trailer

The next round of House of Cards? Here’s the brand new trailer:

Look, if you didn’t watch the whole first series, you probably don’t want to see this, because there are some spoilers, and some things that require that you know what’s going on already. Frank takes his new office and there’s accelerating skullduggery that goes all the way to the top. Plus, Chris Matthews, because SHOUTING.

If you haven’t seen the show yet, now would be a good time to binge and catch up. If you’ve only seen the BBC original, this version’s got its own charm, or maybe “smarm” would be more appropriate for the gentleman from South Carolina. And Netflix will release the whole Season 2 on February 14th. How romantic. They’re also planning to make it available in 4K for those of you who have 4K panels, which is to say nobody yet, but it’s only a matter of time and money….

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

The Ancient Origin of MONTY PYTHON's Foot

The Ancient Origin of MONTY PYTHON's Foot

The K Ohle with Kurt…

The K Ohle with Kurt… : Get Lost with Dan St.…



  1. Tonyfro says:

    I have that weekend off!! Excited!