One of the biggest points of contention critics of the current crop of superhero movies have is the sheer amount of collateral damage left in the wake of these gigantic fights our heroes have with the forces of evil — collateral damage that topples building after building, and no doubt leaves dozens, if not hundreds or even thousands, of civilians dead.
Zack Snyder’s 2013 reboot of the Superman mythos Man of Steel got hit especially hard with this criticism, as many blamed Superman himself for doing way more damage to the city of Metropolis than General Zod and his Kryptonian cronies did. As a direct response to a lot of that criticism, it seemed Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron then went out of its way to show the heroes rescuing people from harm’s way, and not just knocking down buildings on top of the bad guy’s heads, without a thought to who might be in those buildings. And there were still people who raked that movie over the coals for its collateral damage.
Now a nifty infographic has popped up online that takes several of the biggest superhero blockbusters of the last couple of years and breaks down exactly who did the most damage in each movie–the bad guys, or the heroes who were were sent to stop them. While some of the conclusions might not surprise you (Man of Steel got slammed pretty hard when it came to Kal-El’s sheer amount of property damage, as one would expect) some of the others are genuinely surprising, like Iron Man 3, which you might not remember as being that heavy when it comes to this sort of thing.
Check out the infographic below, and then let us know what you think in the comments!
Heroes vs. Villains – An infographic by HomeAdvisor
HT: Home Advisor