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Here’s a Run-Down of the PS4’s Huge 3.0 Update

It’s been nearly a year since Sony released update 2.0–which brought features like the USB Music Player, the “What’s New” section, and the ability to backup data via USB storage–for the PS4. In that time, we also saw the suspend/resume feature added with update 2.5. Since a fair amount of time has passed, the publisher took to the PlayStation blog Tuesday to reveal that the massive 3.00 update (aka “Kenshin”) will be hitting your consoles today. There’s a ton of things coming with the update, so let’s dive right in:

Twitter Share

Sharing video clips to Twitter: Well, it’s about time. You will finally be able to share captured video directly to Twitter. I guess the days of sharing to YouTube first and THEN copying and pasting the link to Twitter are finally over. I mean you could still do that, but ain’t nobody got time for that.

PlayStation Plus: There’s going to be a dedicated section for PlayStation Plus on the home screen, which means you’ll no longer need to dip into the PlayStation Store to find it. From the section, you’ll be able to manage your membership, see monthly deals and free titles, and the games you’ve redeemed using the service.

YouTube Live: If you’ve been wondering when you’d be able to stream directly to YouTube, the day has finally come. This is a great addition, considering the recent launch of YouTube Gaming.

PNG Screenshots: Speaking of sharing, you will finally be able to export images as a higher quality PNG file as opposed to a plain old JPEG file. Simply go into the share settings and switch the image format.

Groups and Messages: If you find yourself playing with the same groups of people all the time, you’ll appreciate this new addition. With the update, you’ll be able to create or be added to a group of friends who will be able to see your online status and vice versa. You will also be able to send a group message or start a party chat in one location. Multiple groups can be created, and will be visible in the favorite groups tab on your friends list.

Events Update

Events: This next one is pretty cool. The update will be adding a new events hub where you’ll be able to join special events for games you play the most. Things like Double XP weekends and even in-game racing events (pictured above) will appear in the section. This is a great way to make sure you don’t miss opportunities that are only available for a limited time.

Communities: Specific communities will also be available. You will be able to join and create your own communities based around shared interests. There will be a message board, a place to share screenshots, and an option to join other parties.

Stickers: There will be a ton of stickers from franchises like Knack, Uncharted, and Little Big Planet 3 made available for messaging over the PlayStation Network.

Request to watch gameplay: If you’ve been on the fence about whether or not you want to pick up a game, want to watch someone else play, or need help on a tough part, you will be able to send and receive requests to watch live gameplay.

Which feature are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: PlayStation Blog

Image Credit: PlayStation

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