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Here Are Some Alternate Designs for Paul Rudd as ANT-MAN

Concept art is nothing new in the movie business. Ralph McQuarrie’s art on the Star Wars trilogy is so well-known and loved that Dark Horse made a comic series based in part on it. To help celebrate Ant-Man‘s upcoming home video release, artist Andy Park showed fans some of the original designs for Scott Lang’s shrinking suit (Well, technically Hank Pym’s suit, but c’mon now).

This first design is the closest to the film’s final choice. It has a little more armor plating on the gauntlets and also has the option to remove the mouth piece.

This second design does away with the armor plating and does an amalgam of the mouthpiece/no mouthpiece of the previous picture. I like that because it pays homage to the classic comic book style of his helmet.

This final design is more of an original take on the costume, with a helmet that resembles more of a motorcycle helmet. While it does look cool, I am glad they went with a more recognizable style. However, you can definitely see how this piece could be part of the inspiration for the Yellowjacket suit.

These are three great designs and I am glad they helped mold the movie’s final costume.

Ant-Man will be released on digital platforms on Tuesday and on Blu-ray December 8.

So what do you think? Which of those alternate takes did you like the best? Should one of them be used instead of the final design? Could they be used as a “Mark II” version like Iron Man? Let me know on Twitter or sound off in the comments below.

HT: Entertainment Weekly

IMAGE: Disney/Marvel

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