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HE-MAN & THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE Movie Has A Director Short List

The long gestating He-Man and the Masters of the Universe movie is starting to pick up traction again, and The Wrap has revealed Sony’s short list for directors. We’ve got Harald Zwart, known most recently for The Karate Kid reboot, Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, and Pink Panther 2; Mike Cahill, director of Another Earth (a totally out-of-the-box choice and kinda inspired if they go with him); and Chris McKay, who, despite never having directed a feature film before, may be the most obvious choice on this list, having served as editor on The LEGO Movie and also as one of the players behind Adult Swim’s Robot Chicken, which means he has plenty of familiarity with He-Man and company. For the longest time GI Joe: Retaliation’s John M. Chu was in contention for the gig, but has since dropped out.

Terry Rossio, who wrote the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and last year’s The Long Ranger is writing the script. A few years back a screenwriter named Justin Marks wrote a Masters of the Universe script that a few people got to read and almost everyone seemed to like, so of course that’s not being made, because Hollywood. Despite living and breathing for the Masters franchise as a kid, I have a hard time seeing how this could work as a movie, despite Thor: The Dark World having its fair share of He-Man-esque moments. Then again, Transformers is one of the biggest franchises of all time, so what do I know? I just wanna cast my vote for Jennifer Lawrence as She-Ra right now. She-Ra’s gonna be in it, right?


HT: The Wrap


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  1. SuperGirl says:

    He-man character Michael Jai WhiteDirector Michael Bay

  2. Yolos says:

    That would be great. Just dont make the poor actor get a haircut like prince adam. 

  3. Jon Illy says:

    Can Ty even act? Nonetheless, he looks like HeMan and is quite buff! 

  4. Abigail Lutes says:

    I don’t know who the hell Ty Fleming is, but the guy has the “look.” Imagine him with a few months of training for this part….. Yummy 🙂

  5. YES!! We need a He-Man movie!

  6. Harold Gonny says:

    Ty Fleming is a monster and absolutely has the look for HeMan Check him out here in this youtube at 3:45 and at 6:20

  7. WallyF87 says:

    Ty Fleming is hands down physically the best choice while is deep voice is perfect for calling on the powers of GRAYSKULL.  

  8. Jason Krumer says:

    SVP would like to cast an unknown for the role and my vote is Ty Fleming! This guy looks exactly like He-Man and has an intensive athletic/martial arts background. Check him out on twitter @bigtydiesel

  9. Daniel R Davis says:

    *In best Beavis voice* Hehe-hehe-hehehe! You typed “Long Ranger.”

  10. Rex says:

    Ill believe it when i see it …. A new he-man movie…. This rumour has been on for a long time and they keep cancelling it…… A heman movie would be good though …. He was probably the biggest cartoon star from the 80’s ….they to bring him back

  11. mike says:

    Part of growing up, when I use to get pocket money I would run and buy the action figures. Could not wait for cartoon to start. When n check the old pictures it brings back a lot of childhood memory.

  12. monsieurJP says:


  13. monsieurJP says:

    Any film that does link up Marlena as a human astronaut had missed an opportunity to make He-Man half human. That was always part the of appeal to me. He-Man, was kind of like me!

  14. Dave says:

    Terry Rossio wrote “The Long Ranger”?

  15. Mr. Marvin says:

    I had all the MotU toys my parents could afford to buy me in the 1980s (meaning I only owned Fisto) but I have an insane fondness for memories of the toys and the cartoon. One of the first jokes in my high school talent show standup act was a Ray Fuser joke (see the Collosor ep.)
    Having said all that, there’s really NOT very much substance to He Man, it’s always been about 5% Jack Kirby and 95% Cheap Plastic. The most interesting character in the entire mythology is Queen Marlena, and I highly doubt Sony has any interest in making THAT movie.
    My guess is it’ll be Burger King Kids Club: The Movie, where all the minor characters will be singularly representative of various racial, religious, and social identities (and in spite of He-Man’s homoerotic undertones anything non-heteronormative will be conspicuously absent.) These characters will all play second fiddle to the one guy on this alien planet who is of vaguely European descent, because white privilege knows no boundaries. This Aryan Prince will find the Will to Power and overcome the darker, furrier, less attractive people of the world, and then be awarded a traditionally beautiful white woman (who has been immasculated so she is “badass” by purely masculine standards, probably necessitating an early scene where she displays her martial prowess.)
    Also there won’t be any Fisto.

  16. Ma$eDub says:

    To all the people who say they cant wait for a He-Man movie you must be too young to know but one was made in the mid 80’s starring Dolph Lundgren.

    • Andy says:

      Anyone who can remember that pathetic excuse for a movie remake would have done their best to wipe their memories clean.

      • Yolos says:

        Hehehe, the movie was not such a big deal, but lets give it a discount considering when it was made.

  17. Eric Beckman says:

    I may have just peed from excitement, aaand cried at the same time. Cause man would I love to see this movie buuut, then I remembered how good the Conan movie was and I expect this to be worse haha.
    (Secretly I will buy it either way haha)

  18. BreSage says:

    I would be soo excited for a He-Man movie!! I’m sure it would be terrible, but I would still watch it. He-Man was my favorite as a kid. I totally want to play She-Ra. Just need toward to “act” and find an agent. 😀

  19. Cromulus Prime says:

    There’s no reason that a He-Man movie couldn’t and shouldn’t be epic. Like Lord of the Rings meets Star Wars epic. Unfortunately, this probably won’t happen, because, just as you said, Hollywood.