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Harlem Globetrotters Make Trick Shot Using a Huge Rube Goldberg Machine

As far as headlines go, “Harlem Globetrotters Make Trick Shot” would normally be the basketball equivalent of “Dog Bites Man,” but the hardwood kings of comedy have found a new way to elevate their on-court fun with a little technological help, by getting a big assist from a rube goldberg machine.

The most famous jokers in the basketball world got together with Georgia Tech students from the colleges of Industrial Design and Music ahead of the Globetrotters exhibition games in Atlanta next month, to make a winning shot with a machine built entirely from scratch. This video also features an original soundtrack from the students—along with that classic Globetrotters theme. Unlike most rube goldberg machines, which need one single initial action to get them going until the end, this one required the Globetrotters to really be involved.

This is a huge step up for the Globetrotters when it comes to utilizing technology, since usually the closest they get to relying on a machine is incorporating some ladders and buckets full of confetti. You know, the way Dr. James Naismith meant for basketball to be played.

As for the rube goldberg machine, we doubt they’ll be able to bring it on the road with them. It’s too big, too complicated, and they don’t exactly need any extra help beating the Washington Generals. Which is too bad, since “Globetrotters Team With Rube Goldberg to Beat Generals” would be a great headline.

What are your favorite rube goldberg machine? Pass it along in our comments below.

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Featured Image: Harlem Globetrotters

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