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HANNIBAL Meets FRIENDS In This Opening Credit Crossover

If you could have any of the Friends cast for dinner, whom would you choose? Phoebe would probably be the healthiest option given her lifestyle, but maybe you’d prefer Joey, so full of jam. My guess as to the best option would be Chandler, chunky edition. What the hell am I talking about? Well, you watch this Friends-style intro for Hannibal and tell me you wouldn’t be having the exact same conversation with yourself.

Andrew Kuhar on YouTube has given everyone’s favorite genius cannibal a newer, softer promo—minus all the shots of people being shot or eaten. Would this opening have been enough to save the now-canceled TV show? Probably not, but there are entire generations of TV watchers that would have flocked from the other room when they heard the music, thinking the 50th Friends rerun of the day was starting. Imagine their surprise when instead of Ross and Rachel they got Mads Mikkelsen eating Eddie Izzard.

In fairness, the real opening to Hannibal is pretty great.

While currently no deal is in place, the show’s creator and stars have said they’d be interested in continuing should it find a new home. Though ratings were not good enough to get a fourth season on NBC, the show has an incredibly devoted and loyal fan base.

And if you just can’t get enough of that Friends theme (you must not have been alive in the 90s), here’s a cut-up of the cast “singing” it.

Could there be another show that would have been less appropriate to use the Friends theme for? We’re hungry to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

HT: AV Club
Images: NBC

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