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GIF a Little Bit

Give a man a GIF and he laughs for awhile. Give a man an entire website dedicated to GIFs and he laughs endlessly until placed in a mental help facility*.

Make your way over to GIF.TV to view a mega-kujillian** different GIFs at random on an old tv screen. I’ve linked to Q and Deanna Troi winking into the infinite for all of you Next Gen fans. Click on the remote to randomly jump to a different one.

*I’m checking myself in right now.

**I made up a number because I have no clue how many GIFs they have collected. Judging by the submission link at the bottom of the page, I’d say there will never be enough.

Follow @MatthewBurnside into a sea of fart jokes on Twitter.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

What Color Is That Dress!?

What Color Is That Dress!?



  1. Keylon says:

    Well I guess I don\’t have to spend the wekeend figuring this one out!

  2. Probably the best website ever! Spent an hour pretending to work 😛

  3. What an absolutely wonderful way to waste time when you should probably be doing constructive……Oh who cares!!! I’m going back for more!!!

  4. Patti Brown says:

    Looks like a fun site. Kinda disappointed that I don’t see a GIF of Weird Al from UHF when I click on the picture. Guess I’ll have to go find that one myself. I guess it’s just random as far as what comes up.

  5. Livius says:

    I spent hours on that site last week. Missed an entire day of class, time well spent.

  6. @Dangalff says:

    Right click -> Save as