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GIF a Little Bit

Give a man a GIF and he laughs for awhile. Give a man an entire website dedicated to GIFs and he laughs endlessly until placed in a mental help facility*.

Make your way over to GIF.TV to view a mega-kujillian** different GIFs at random on an old tv screen. I’ve linked to Q and Deanna Troi winking into the infinite for all of you Next Gen fans. Click on the remote to randomly jump to a different one.

*I’m checking myself in right now.

**I made up a number because I have no clue how many GIFs they have collected. Judging by the submission link at the bottom of the page, I’d say there will never be enough.

Follow @MatthewBurnside into a sea of fart jokes on Twitter.

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Gaming Daily: As Crap-Tons of Video Games Release, G4 Officially Goes Off Air

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The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

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  1. Keylon says:

    Well I guess I don\’t have to spend the wekeend figuring this one out!

  2. Probably the best website ever! Spent an hour pretending to work 😛

  3. What an absolutely wonderful way to waste time when you should probably be doing constructive……Oh who cares!!! I’m going back for more!!!

  4. Patti Brown says:

    Looks like a fun site. Kinda disappointed that I don’t see a GIF of Weird Al from UHF when I click on the picture. Guess I’ll have to go find that one myself. I guess it’s just random as far as what comes up.

  5. Livius says:

    I spent hours on that site last week. Missed an entire day of class, time well spent.

  6. @Dangalff says:

    Right click -> Save as