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Germany Closed a Bridge for POKEMON GO Players

There was a time not long ago when Düsseldorf’s Girardet bridge (or “Girardetbrücke” in German) looked like this:

Google Maps

Now, thanks to Pokémon Go, it looks more like this:

Uwe-Jens Ruhnau/RP Online

It turns out the bridge, which is typically open to both vehicles and pedestrians, has became a German Pokémon Go hub because it has PokéStops on both sides, all of which can be accessed by being on the bridge. Instead of breaking up this influx of traffic, the Mayor of Dusseldorf has decided to block off the bridge so players can safely be on it, with transport officials there to block off traffic when it gets crowded (via Kotaku). They’ve even brought in portable toilets and garbage cans to be more hospitable towards players.

According to a Google-translated article from German publication RP, nearby business don’t seem to mind all the hubbub. The owner of Restaurant La Terrazza said, “The Pokémon players are a win for the [area], at last is something going on here. I even [have] guests who play [Pokémon] on my terrace.” Bilk, a local fast-food restaurant, has even adopted a merit-based rewards system for players: Depending on a player’s level in the game, they can get free muffins, drinks, or even an entree for free.

Now, a local bus service has themselves a winner of an idea, setting up a route that will take passengers to the city’s best spots for catching Pokémon or visiting PokéStops and Gyms. Here’s a free opportunity for our lovely readers: Be the first person to write a funny Yelp review of the bridge (nobody else has yet) and claim your 15 minutes of internet fame.

What of the science of this “Pocket Monster Go”?

Images: The Pokémon Company, Google Maps, Uwe-Jens Ruhnau/RP Online

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